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The Importance of "Me Time"

The Importance of "Me Time"

This time of year can get absolutely crazy with so many things on your to do lists.  During the hectic holidays its easy to forget one of the most important activities of all - taking a moment to do nothing.  For just a moment or two - yes even you can afford that time.  In fact, arguably its the most essential thing on your list.  This is why we include a space to dedicate putting some thought into "Me Time" in all of our Planners.

Experts cite numerous benefits to "me time".  These include the obvious reduction of stress, but it also helps reduce brain fatigue and fog, and brings a clearer focus.  A few minutes sitting in silence can help reveal long sought answers to challenging problems.  It can open up new areas of self discovery.  Health benefits are immeasurable, as holding space in meditation is attributed to helping lower blood pressure and raising energy levels.  

With a greater sense of well being just waiting for you, make the time to stop, sit, and listen in silence.  What we at Bella Grace refer to as "purposeful nothingness", the value of this precious time is immeasurable.

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