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Did Someone Say Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Did Someone Say Pumpkin Spice Latte?

Stand aside! Autumn is here and we have some organizing to do! Fall’s coming indicates that summer is ending, and winter is just around the corner. Time to start organizing your life and your home to fit in the season. Fall is a good time to start preparing your home for the coming holidays and winter. You can alternatively hire a planner or organizer to beautify your home for you! Let’s take a look at a few fall-themed tips to get your home ready for the season.

Declutter major areas of the home

Laundry rooms, mudrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and living rooms are major parts of your home that need to be tidied up. Utilize baskets and even storage ottomans to create a basic storage area. These are a wonderful method to keep pillows and blankets for the coming cold days. You can use your planner to create a to do list for all the things needing to be done. Involve your family in the process too by using productivity tools and calendars to share chores!

Make a backpack storage space for back to school:

Now that school has resumed, if you have kids it is time to be prepared. You can hang up hooks and place a small bench in your breezeway/mudroom for each child to hang their backpacks and jackets on. This has proven very beneficial in avoiding a large pile on the floor every day. You can also have separate shoe storage spaces on your bench for each family member. This makes a huge difference in terms of clutter and helps get the family out the door quickly on school mornings.

Clean Roof Gutters

Roof gutters are channels and chutes that direct water away from your roof. When you purchase a house, the thought of having to mount a ladder on a regular basis to clean your castle's gutters may not be at the top of your list of homeowner-friendly duties. However, gutter care is an essential aspect of home ownership. In fact, gutter cleaning is critical to the health of your house. Clogged gutters may cause water to collect on your roof, causing leaks and making certain kinds of termites more appealing. Poor gutter care may also cause issues with siding, windows, doors, and foundations as a result of water draining on or near your walls for an extended period of time. Some modern gutters feature capped leaf-catching devices to keep leaves out, but even these gutter innovations are not failsafe and must be examined and serviced on a regular basis. Plan a day when you can get up close and personal with your gutters, read up on ladder safety, and pull out your heavy-duty work gloves.

Bake yourself a Pumpkin Pie!
Fall means pumpkin season and who doesn’t like pumpkins?  You can give your home a pumpkin theme all from your kitchen. Look for family-favorite recipes and give them a pumpkin-y twist. Instead of buying pumpkin flavored drinks from a café, try recreating them in your kitchen. There are lots of helpful hints readily available on the internet, so let's get creative and make the most out of this season!

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